Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What Do Martial Arts Do for Us?

Here’s a question. What do martial arts do for us?

Here’s the answer. Martial Arts make our bodies and minds stronger, and it makes our hearts kinder.

In Seichou Karate® class, we practice exercises and karate techniques that make our muscles stronger and more flexible. This is good.

As we practice those exercises and techniques, our bodies become tired and tell us to rest. However, if we use our minds to overrule what our bodies tell us (“you should take a rest…”), then our minds become stronger than our bodies. This is very good.

As our muscles become stronger and we learn powerful fighting techniques, we often discover that we are stronger than others. In fact, using our superior strength and fighting ability, we might even be able to boss other people around. At this point we must ask ourselves a question that will determine our character. We will become bullies or will we use our special strength, knowledge and skill for good?

We must never use the special knowledge of Seichou Karate® and other martial arts for violent or criminal purposes. Rather, Seichou Karate® and other martial arts teach us to use it our special knowledge to uplift ourselves, our families and others in the spirit of good citizenship.

This is the most important thing that Seichou Karate® and other martial arts do for us. OSU!

For Parents. Please use the following questions to shape a discussion with your child concerning the forgoing essay. Thank you for visiting our KarateKid.me blog.

a. What does “technique” mean?

b. What does “flexible” mean?

c. What does “overrule” mean?

d. What does “bully” mean?

e. What does “character” mean?

f. What does “citizenship” mean?

g. What does it mean to have a strong body?

h. What does it mean to have a strong mind?

i. What does it mean to have a kind heart?

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