Friday, April 30, 2010

Facing Our Responsibilities

There was once a boy who liked to have fun so much that he didn’t do the things that his parents or teacher asked.

Every morning, his mom asked him to make his bed. “I’ll do it when I get back from school,” he always replied as he ran off to play.

Every afternoon, his teacher reminded him to do his homework before leaving school. “I’ll do it after I get home,” he always replied as he ran off to play.

Every evening, his dad asked him to take out the garbage. “I’ll do it before I go to bed,” he always replied as he ran off to play.

The problem was that the boy didn’t want to make his bed after he got home from school. Nor did he want to do his homework because he was too sleepy. Nor did he want to take the garbage out because it was already dark and he was scared to go outside.

As a result of his disobedience, his mom, teacher and dad would become angry with him. So, soon playtime wasn’t so much fun because the adults were angry with him. What could he do?

He thought and thought and, one day the boy discovered the key to solving his problem. Instead of running away from his responsibilities, he would face them immediately. Instead of procrastinating, he would do what his parents and teacher asked right away.

Lo and behold, soon his mom, dad and teacher were very happy with him. His mom sent him off to school with a big kiss, his teacher sent him home with a big smile, and his dad put him to bed with a big hug.

Seichou Karate® students don’t run away from their responsibilities or problems. They face them. OSU!

Note the Challenge Words in blue italics:

1. disobedience - refusal or failure to obey

2. responsibilities - things that we must do; duties or obligations.

3. procrastinating - to postpone or delay needlessly

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