Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Getting up on the Right Side of the Bed

Life has its ups and downs. So, as much as we want to be happy everyday, it’s certain that we will have bad days. Sometimes bad days start off with bad mornings. So, it’s useful to think of ways for us to avoid letting a bad morning become an entire bad day.

First, if we wake up and feel grumpy, the best thing to do is to think about what’s bothering us. If it’s a little thing like a rainy day, then we can decide to do fun things inside. For instance, going to school to learn cool new things, reading a good book, and going to Seichou Karate are fun things to do inside.

If the thing that’s making you grumpy is something that you can’t fix on your own, then speak with your parents, brothers, sisters or teachers. Talking about problems often helps because other people might be able to suggest a solution that hasn’t occurred to you.

Second, once you have a plan to improve your day, then you should put a big smile on our face because you will outsmart sadness. Smiling will make you feel better. In fact, if you make funny faces in the mirror, you might even be able to make yourself laugh!

Third, when you greet your family members, teachers and classmates with a big smile, they might start smiling too because smiling is contagious! In this way, you can infect others with happiness, which is a very good thing to do. In fact, making others happy might even increase your own happiness.

Finally, although being sad is no fun, plenty of people spend their time being sad because it’s easier to be sad than to be happy. So, let’s get in the habit of choosing happiness over sadness by getting up on the right side of the bed and greeting each day with a big smile.

Children learn this happiness technique and other powerful life skills at Seichou Dojo. OSU!