Wednesday, January 18, 2012

2012 Goals

It’s that time of year again. Yes, we need to think hard about our goals for the New Year.

Are you wondering why it’s important to set goals for yourself? Well, consider that 11 months from now, you’ll go to karate class and your teacher will ask you what you accomplished this year. If you haven’t set a goal for yourself, you won’t be able to answer and you might even feel embarrassed!

It’s good to set goals in order to measure our progress in life. For example, by setting goals we can answer questions like: are we becoming more responsible and are we becoming better people.

If you set and achieve goals, you can feel great about yourself at the end of this year. If you don’t set goals for yourself, then you won’t know whether to pat yourself on the back or to try even harder in 2013.

So, at Seichou Karate® we recommend that all students sit down with their families or friends to identify concrete goals for 2012.

Come on, don’t procrastinate! Think of some exciting goals and do your best to accomplish them this year. OSU!